8. Food for Thought: Evaluating My Game

Upon completion I am extremely proud of my game and what it represents. Being the first PC game I have developed Cracked: A Game of Consequences may lack polish, but still strongly demonstrates my concept of a choose you own adventure animal advocacy game. In hindsight an additional semester to work on this particular project would have been extremely beneficial, splitting my time equally between semesters to work on research and development firstly and secondarily on creating the game in Unity with enough time to iron out any imperfections.

I am very proud that I have gained essential knowledge with programs I have not worked with prior to this project and I will certainly continue to nurture these new skills.

Following this project I know that I would like to work with the animal advocacy charities that helped make this possible after university, implementing my media skills within a fantastic cause to educate individuals on how cutting out animal products from their diet can improve health, save the lives of animals and protect the planet.

Play Cracked: A Game of Consequences here

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Third year media production student. I have a passion for documentary film making, game development and animal rights activism.